Co-curricular programs


Co-curricular programs offered at St Finbarr’s School are designed to enhance students’ academic learning. Students who get involved in additional activities at school learn life skills in a fun and engaging way.

Students learn how to work in a team, make new friends, build courage to try new things and are motivated to do more as they experience success outside the classroom.

Students engage in activities that include sport, the arts, music, community celebrations, social justice projects and regional and district competitions and events.

Co-curricular opportunities include

  • Mothers’ Day assembly and luncheon
  • Father’s Day Fun Day
  • St Finbarr’s fete - students organise and run stalls with teachers and staff 
  • Under 8’s day celebrations 
  • Anzac Day - participation in the community march, service and serving at the ANZAC luncheon 
  • celebrations of Feast Days including St Joseph, St Patrick and St Mary of the Cross
  • prayer assemblies such as Pentecost and Easter and family liturgies
  • Remembrance Day - participation with the community
  • celebrations of NAIDOC week and Harmony Day
  • Catholic Education Week
  • school camps including sporting and instrumental music camp, biennial Canberra and snowfields camp. 

Community service

The Finbarr's Friends in Action Group raise awareness and funds for charities including the St Vincent de Paul Society, Caritas, Mary Mackillop Foundation and a number of other local and well-known charities.